Protocol:Packet 0xDB
(Redirected from Packet 0xDB)
PSO for Gamecube clients send this packet as their first packet to log onto the login server, and it is used to check the status of the user's hunter's license. The server should then respond with a Packet 0x9A (yes, it responds with an odd packet) indicating a response to the login.
Gamecube Packet Format (Client->Server)
Bytes | Meaning |
0x00 | Packet Type (0xDB) |
0x01 | Flags (0x00) |
0x02-0x03 | Packet Size (0x00E0) |
0x04-0x23 | Unused |
0x24-0x2B | Serial Number |
0x2C-0x33 | Unused |
0x34-0x3F | Access Key |
0x40-0x4B | Unused |
0x4C | Version Code |
0x4D-0x4F | Unused |
0x50-0x57 | Serial Number |
0x58-0x7F | Unused |
0x80-0x8B | Access Key |
0x8C-0xAF | Unused |
0xB0-0xBF | Password |
0xC0-0xDF | Unused |
Gamecube Packet Format (Server->Client)
Bytes | Meaning |
0x00 | Packet Type (0x9A) |
0x01 | Flags (Login Response) |
0x02-0x03 | Packet Size (0x0004) |
Login Responses
Flag | Meaning |
0 | Login Ok (Client sends a Packet 0x9E next) |
1 | New user (Client sends a Packet 0x9C next) |
2 | Login Ok (Client sends a Packet 0x9E next) |
3 | Invalid Access Key (Client disconnects) (No.125) |
4 | Invalid Serial Number (Client disconnects) (No.126) |
5, 6, 9, 10, 20-255 | Network Error (Client disconnects) (No.119) |
7, 18 | Hunter's License required (Client disconnects) (No.117) |
8, 17 | Hunter's License expired (Client disconnects) (No.116) |
11 | Invalid Hunter's License - Wrong Serial? (Client disconnects) (No.112) |
12 | Invalid Hunter's License - Wrong Access Key? (Client disconnects) (No.113) |
13 | Invalid Hunter's License - Wrong Password? (Client disconnects) (No.114) |
14 | Connection Error (Client disconnects) (No.115) |
15, 16 | Connection suspended (Client disconnects) (No.111) |
19 | System down for maintenance (Client disconnects) (No.118) |