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Protocol:Packet 0x65: Difference between revisions

From Sylverant Wiki
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m BlueCrab moved page Packet 0x65 to Protocol:Packet 0x65
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Latest revision as of 06:01, 13 December 2021

The server sends Packet 0x65 or Packet 0x68 to clients when a new client joins their lobby/team (Packet 0x65 for teams/games, 0x68 for lobbies).

The server sends Packet 0x67 to a client that is just joining a lobby to let it know all the other clients in the lobby.

Dreamcast Packet Format

Bytes Meaning
0x0000 Packet Type (0x65, 0x67, or 0x68)
0x0001 Flags (Number of entries (1 for 0x65 and 0x68))
0x0002-0x0003 Packet Size (0x044C for 0x65/0x68, Variable for 0x67)
0x0004 Client ID (I leave this as zero in Sylverant, but its in the struct as client_id)
0x0005 Leader ID
0x0006 1
0x0007 Lobby Number
0x0008-0x0009 Block Number
0x000A-0x000B Lobby Event
0x000C-0x000F Padding
0x0010... Player Data (see below for format)

Player Data format

The player data entries are formatted as follows:

Bytes Meaning
0x0000-0x0003 Player Tag (0x00010000)
0x0004-0x0007 Guildcard Number
0x0008-0x000B IP Address? (can be left blank)
0x000C-0x001B Character Name
0x001C-0x043C Character Data