Protocol:Packet 0x13
The server sends clients a Packet 0x13 to send a portion of quest data to the client. Packet 0xA7 is used similarly, but for GBA files on the Gamecube version of PSO.
Dreamcast Packet Format
Bytes | Meaning |
0x0000 | Packet Type (0x13) |
0x0001 | Flags (Number of this chunk (0-based)) |
0x0002-0x0003 | Packet Size (0x0418) |
0x0004-0x0013 | Name of the file being sent |
0x0014-0x0413 | Chunk data (always 1024 bytes) |
0x0414-0x0417 | Chunk size (1024 for most chunks, whatever is appropriate for the last chunk of each file) |