Packet 0x9D
PSOv2 clients send this packet (instead of Packet 0x93) to log onto the ship/block server.
Dreamcast Packet Format
Bytes | Meaning |
0x00 | Packet Type (0x9D) |
0x01 | Flags (0x00) |
0x02-0x03 | Packet Size (Variable) |
0x04-0x07 | Player Tag (0x00010000) |
0x08-0x0B | Guildcard Number |
0x0C-0x1B | Unknown |
0x1C-0x3B | Padding (all zeroes) |
0x3C-0x43 | Serial Number (ASCII) |
0x44-0x4B | Padding (all zeroes) |
0x4C-0x53 | Access Key (ASCII) |
0x54-0x5B | Padding (all zeroes) |
0x5C-0x63 | Some sort of Dreamcast-specific ID |
0x64-0xBB | Padding (all zeroes) |
0xBC-0xBD | Unknown |
0xBD-0xCB | Padding (all zeroes) |
0xCC... | Data set in Packet 0x04, if any. |