Protocol:Packet 0x62
Clients send Packet 0x62 to the server to forward a "game command" to another client. This is used for various things in game, including requesting drops (clients "ask" the party leader what should be dropped).
PSO v3 (GameCube, Xbox, Blue Burst) sometimes uses packet 0x6D, which has exactly the same format and function as 0x62.
Main Packet Format
Bytes | Meaning |
0x00 | Packet Type (0x62 or 0x6D) |
0x01 | Flags (destination client ID) |
0x02-0x03 | Packet Size (Variable) |
0x04 | Subcommand Type |
0x05 | Subcommand Size (in 32-bit increments) |
0x06-0x07 | Unused? |
0x08... | Subcommand Data |
Various subcommands are sent with this packet, and this is not necessarily meant to be an exhaustive list of them (although, I'd love it if it were eventually).
Subcommand 0x06
Subcommand 0x06 is used to send a client's Guildcard to another client.
Bytes | Meaning |
0x00-0x03 | Player Tag (0x00010000) |
0x04-0x07 | Guildcard Number |
0x08-0x1F | Player Name |
0x20-0x77 | Guildcard Text |
0x78 | Unused |
0x79 | Always 1 |
0x7A | Language Code |
0x7B | Section ID |
0x7C | Character Class |
0x7D-0x7F | Padding (all zeroes) |
Bytes | Meaning |
0x00-0x03 | Player Tag (0x00010000) |
0x04-0x07 | Guildcard Number |
0x08-0x37 | Player Name (UTF-16LE) |
0x38-0xE7 | Guildcard Text (UTF-16LE) |
0xE8-0xEB | Unused |
0xEC | Always 1 |
0xED | Language Code |
0xEE | Section ID |
0xEF | Character Class |
Bytes | Meaning |
0x00-0x03 | Player Tag (0x00010000) |
0x04-0x07 | Guildcard Number |
0x08-0x1F | Player Name |
0x20-0x87 | Guildcard Text |
0x88-0x8B | Unused |
0x8C | Always 1 |
0x8D | Language Code |
0x8E | Section ID |
0x8F | Character Class |
Subcommand 0x5A
Subcommand 0x5A (size 0x03) is sent to the leader to request to pick up a dropped item.
Bytes | Meaning |
0x00-0x03 | Item ID we're requesting to pick up |
0x04-0x07 | Always 0? |
Subcommand 0x60
Subcommand 0x60 is used to request a item drop from the party leader. It is used when a box is opened (I haven't looked at what is sent when an enemy is killed yet, sorry).
Bytes | Meaning |
0x00 | Map Area |
0x01 | ??? (seems to always be 0x02 for boxes) |
0x02-0x03 | Request ID (might only be one byte, not sure) |
0x04-0x07 | Map X Position |
0x08-0x0B | Map Y Position |
0x0C-0x13 | ??? |
Subcommand 0x94
Subcommand 0x94 (size 0x02) can be sent to v2 and later clients to cause them to warp to the specified area. PSOv1 clients ignore this subcommand entirely.
Bytes | Meaning |
0x00 | Map Area to warp to |
0x01-0x03 | Padding |