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Packet 0xBA

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Episode III clients use packet 0xBA in various circumstances related to meseta.

Main Packet Format

Bytes Meaning
0x00 Packet Type (0xBA)
0x01 Flags (reason for the packet)
0x02-0x03 Packet Size (0x0010)
0x04-0x10 See Below...

Packet Flags

There are various events that trigger one of these packets, and each one might have a slightly different format.

Flag 0x01 (Client->Server)

When an Episode III client leaves a team, it will send a packet with the flags value set to 0x01. I'm not totally sure exactly what each value in the packet is supposed to signify in this case. These should generate a reply from the server in the format shown next.

Flag 0x01 (Server->Client)

In reply to an 0x01 from the client, the server should generate its own 0x01 to reply back. Here's the specifics of it:

Bytes Meaning
0x04-0x07 Current Meseta
0x08-0x0B Total Meseta ever earned
0x0C-0x0D Always 0?
0x0E-0x0F Identical to the client->server packet's data in these bytes.

Flag 0x02 (Client->Server)

When a client uses the Jukebox in the lobby, they will send this packet. Bytes 0x08-0x0B seem to always be equal to the cost of using the jukebox (0x00000064 or 100). The server should generate an 0x03 in reply.

Flag 0x03 (Server->Client)

In reply to an 0x02, the server should generate this subpacket. The format is identical to the server->client version of the 0x01 subpacket.