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Protocol:Packet 0x08

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The login server sends Packet 0x08 to inform the client of the list of game lobbies available to join when a user goes to the lobby information counter to join a game.

The clients send a very simple Packet 0x08 while in the lobby when they wish to receive the list of game lobbies available.

Dreamcast Packet Format (Server->Client)

Bytes Meaning
0x00 Packet Type (0x08)
0x01 Flags (Number of Entries)
0x02-0x03 Packet Size (Variable)
0x04... Game Information (see below for format)

The ship information field is populated as follows (offsets are relative):

Bytes Meaning
0x00-0x03 Menu ID (0x00000002 on Sylverant (except the phantom entry))
0x04-0x07 Item ID (The item in the list)
0x08 Difficulty (+ 0x22)
0x09 Number of players currently in game
0x0A-0x19 Game Name
0x1A Version 2 Flag (1 = V2 only game, 0 = V1/V2 game)
0x1B Flags (Challenge Mode = 0x20, Battle = 0x10, Disabled? = 0x04, Passworded = 0x02)

In addition, there is a phantom entry that is populated as follows:

Difficulty 0
Number of Players 0
Game Name Name of the Ship
Version 2 Flag 0
Flags 0x04

Dreamcast Packet Format (Client->Server)

Bytes Meaning
0x00 Packet Type (0x08)
0x01 Flags (0x00)
0x02-0x03 Packet Size (0x0004)