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Protocol:Packet 0x13

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The server sends clients a Packet 0x13 to send a portion of quest data to the client.

Packet 0xA7 is used similarly, but for GBA files on the Gamecube version of PSO or Downloadable quests in most versions.

Dreamcast Packet Format

Bytes Meaning
0x0000 Packet Type (0x13 or 0xA7)
0x0001 Flags (Number of this chunk (0-based))
0x0002-0x0003 Packet Size (0x0418)
0x0004-0x0013 Name of the file being sent
0x0014-0x0413 Chunk data (always 1024 bytes)
0x0414-0x0417 Chunk size (1024 for most chunks, whatever is appropriate for the last chunk of each file)