Protocol:Packet 0x65
The server sends Packet 0x65 or Packet 0x68 to clients when a new client joins their lobby/team (Packet 0x65 for teams/games, 0x68 for lobbies).
The server sends Packet 0x67 to a client that is just joining a lobby to let it know all the other clients in the lobby.
Dreamcast Packet Format
Bytes | Meaning |
0x0000 | Packet Type (0x65, 0x67, or 0x68) |
0x0001 | Flags (Number of entries (1 for 0x65 and 0x68)) |
0x0002-0x0003 | Packet Size (0x044C for 0x65/0x68, Variable for 0x67) |
0x0004 | Client ID (I leave this as zero in Sylverant, but its in the struct as client_id) |
0x0005 | Leader ID |
0x0006 | 1 |
0x0007 | Lobby Number |
0x0008-0x0009 | Block Number |
0x000A-0x000B | Lobby Event |
0x000C-0x000F | Padding |
0x0010... | Player Data (see below for format) |
Player Data format
The player data entries are formatted as follows:
Bytes | Meaning |
0x0000-0x0003 | Player Tag (0x00010000) |
0x0004-0x0007 | Guildcard Number |
0x0008-0x000B | IP Address? (can be left blank) |
0x000C-0x001B | Character Name |
0x001C-0x043C | Character Data |