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Protocol:Packet 0x62

From Sylverant Wiki
Revision as of 19:56, 30 December 2009 by BlueCrab (talk | contribs) (Add page about Packet 0x62.)
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Clients send Packet 0x62 to the server to forward a "game command" to another client. This is used for various things in game, including requesting drops (clients "ask" the party leader what should be dropped).

Main Packet Format


Bytes Meaning
0x00 Packet Type (0x62)
0x01 Flags (destination client ID)
0x02-0x03 Packet Size (Variable)
0x04 Subcommand Type
0x05 Subcommand Size (in 32-bit increments)
0x06-0x07 Unused?
0x08... Subcommand Data


Various subcommands are sent with this packet, and this is not necessarily meant to be an exhaustive list of them (although, I'd love it if it were eventually).

Subcommand 0x06

Subcommand 0x06 is used to send a client's Guildcard to another client.


Bytes Meaning
0x00-0x03 Player Tag (0x00010000)
0x04-0x07 Guildcard Number
0x08-0x1F Player Name
0x20-0x77 Guildcard Text
0x78 Unused
0x79-0x7A ??? (both set to 1)
0x7B Section ID
0x7C Character Class
0x7D-0x7F Padding (all zeroes)