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Battle Parameters

From Sylverant Wiki

The Battle Parameter files define the stats for various enemies in the game. In a normal install of PSO Blue Burst, these files can be found in the data directory with the following names:

  • BattleParamEntry.dat -- Episode 1 enemies (offline/single player mode)
  • BattleParamEntry_on.dat -- Episode 1 enemies (online mode)
  • BattleParamEntry_lab.dat -- Episode 2 enemies (offline/single player mode)
  • BattleParamEntry_lab_on.dat -- Episode 2 enemies (online mode)
  • BattleParamEntry_ep4.dat -- Episode 4 enemies (offline/single player mode)
  • BattleParamEntry_ep4_on.dat -- Episode 4 enemies (online mode)

Battle Parameter Format

Each file contains 96 entries per difficulty level, each of which is formed as follows (all multi-byte quantities are little endian):

Bytes Meaning
0x00-0x01 ATP
0x02-0x03 PSV (Perseverance -- basically their intelligence)
0x04-0x05 EVP
0x06-0x07 HP
0x08-0x09 DFP
0x0A-0x0B ATA
0x0C-0x0D LCK
0x0E-0x0F ESP
0x10-0x1B Unknown
0x1C-0x1F Experience
0x20-0x23 Unknown (newserv labels it difficulty)

All of the entries for each difficulty are together in the file. They are ordered in order of increasing difficulty (so, normal comes first, then hard, then very hard, then ultimate). The online and offline versions of the files are ordered the same way.

Note, there is additional data in the file after all of this. I'm not sure at the moment what it does, nor is it particularly important from my point of view (the server only needs to worry about the stuff about enemy stats).

Battle Parameter Data

This section details what enemies are in the battle parameter files at what entries for each episode. As mentioned above, the online and offline files are all in the same order.

Entry Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 4
0x00 Mothmant Mothmant Boota
0x01 Monest Monest Ze Boota
0x02 Savage Wolf Savage Wolf Unused (all 0)
0x03 Barbarous Wolf Barbarous Wolf Ba Boota
0x04 Poison Lily Poison Lily Unused (all 0)
0x05 Nar Lily Nar Lily Sand Rappy
0x06 Sinow Beat Sinow Berill Del Rappy
0x07 Canadine Gee Zu
0x08 Canadine (in group) Unknown Pazuzu
0x09 Canane Unknown Astark
0x0A Chaos Sorcerer Chaos Sorcerer Unused (all 0)
0x0B Unknown Unknown Unused (all 0)
0x0C Unknown Unknown Unused (all 0)
0x0D Chaos Bringer Delbiter Satellite Lizard
0x0E Dark Belra Dark Belra Yowie
0x0F De Rol Le Barba Ray Dorphon
0x10 Unknown Unknown Dorphon Eclair
0x11 Unknown Unknown Goran
0x12 Dragon Gol Dragon Pyro Goran
0x13 Sinow Gold Sinow Spigell Goran Detonator
0x14 Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x15 Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x16 Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x17 Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Sand Rappy
0x18 Rag Rappy Rag Rappy Del Rappy
0x19 Al Rappy Love Rappy Merissa A
0x1A Nano Dragon Gi Gue Merissa AA
0x1B Dubchic Dubchic Zu
0x1C Gilchic Gilchic Pazuzu
0x1D Garanz Garanz Satellite Lizard
0x1E Dark Gunner Gal Gryphon Yowie
0x1F Bulclaw Unused (all 0) Girtablulu
0x20 Claw Unused (all 0)
0x21 Unknown Unused (all 0)
0x22 Unknown Unused (all 0)
0x23 Unknown Epsilon
0x24 Unknown Unknown
0x25 Vol Opt (Second form) Del Lily
0x26 Unknown Ill Gill
0x27 Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x28 Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x29 Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x2A Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x2B Unused (all 0) Olga Flow (First Form)
0x2C Unused (all 0) Olga Flow (Second Form) Unused (all 0)
0x2D Unused (all 0) Unknown Unused (all 0)
0x2E Unused (all 0) Gael Unused (all 0)
0x2F Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x30 Pouifully Slime Deldepth Unused (all 0)
0x31 Pan Arms Pan Arms Unused (all 0)
0x32 Hidoom Hidoom Unused (all 0)
0x33 Migium Migium Unused (all 0)
0x34 Unknown Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x35 Darvant Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x36 Dark Falz (first form) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x37 Dark Falz (second form) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x38 Dark Falz (third form) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x39 Unknown Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x3A Unused (all 0) Mericarol Unused (all 0)
0x3B Unused (all 0) Ul Gibbon Unused (all 0)
0x3C Unused (all 0) Zol Gibbon Unused (all 0)
0x3D Unused (all 0) Gibbles Unused (all 0)
0x3E Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x3F Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x40 Unused (all 0) Morfos Unused (all 0)
0x41 Unused (all 0) Recobox Unused (all 0)
0x42 Unused (all 0) Recon Unused (all 0)
0x43 Unused (all 0) Sinow Zoa Unused (all 0)
0x44 Unused (all 0) Sinow Zele Unused (all 0)
0x45 Unused (all 0) Merikle Unused (all 0)
0x46 Unused (all 0) Mericus Unused (all 0)
0x47 Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x48 Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x49 Hildebear Hildebear Unused (all 0)
0x4A Hildeblue Hildeblue Unused (all 0)
0x4B Booma Merillia Unused (all 0)
0x4C Gobooma Meriltas Unused (all 0)
0x4D Gigobooma Unknown Unused (all 0)
0x4E Grass Assassin Grass Assassin Unused (all 0)
0x4F Evil Shark Dolmolm Unused (all 0)
0x50 Pal Shark Dolmdarl Unused (all 0)
0x51 Guil Shark Unknown Unused (all 0)
0x52 Delsaber Delsaber Unused (all 0)
0x53 Dimenian Dimenian Unused (all 0)
0x54 La Dimenian La Dimenian Unused (all 0)
0x55 So Dimenian So Dimenian Unused (all 0)
0x56 Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x57 Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x58 Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x59 Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x5A Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x5B Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x5C Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x5D Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x5E Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)
0x5F Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0) Unused (all 0)