Protocol:Packet 0x41
The server sends clients Packet 0x41 as a reply to a guild card search (initiated by a Packet 0x40 sent by the client). This packet is only sent out if the person being searched for is online currently.
Dreamcast Packet Format
Bytes | Meaning |
0x00 | Packet Type (0x41) |
0x01 | Flags (0x00) |
0x02-0x03 | Packet Size (0x00C4) |
0x04-0x07 | Player Tag (0x00010000) |
0x08-0x0B | Guildcard Number of searching person |
0x0C-0x0F | Guildcard Number of person being searched for |
0x10-0x13 | Padding (all zeroes) |
0x14-0x17 | IP Address of the Block the person is on (Big-Endian) |
0x18-0x19 | Port of the Block the person is on (Little-Endian) |
0x1A-0x1B | Padding (all zeroes) |
0x1C-0x5F | Location string (see below for format) |
0x60-0x63 | Menu ID of the lobby the person is on |
0x64-0x67 | Item ID of the lobby the person is on |
0x68-0xA3 | Padding (all zeroes) |
0xA4-0xC3 | Name of the character the person is using |
Since I'm lazy, this is how Sylverant formats the Location string:
sprintf(pkt->location, "%s,BLOCK%02d,%s", game, block, ship);