Protocol:Packet 0x44
The server sends clients Packet 0x44 when starting to send a quest to let the client know which files are going to be transmitted.
Packet 0xA6 is used similarly for GBA files for the Gamecube version of PSO, as well as by other versions for Downloadable quests.
Dreamcast Packet Format
Bytes | Meaning |
0x00 | Packet Type (0x44 or 0xA6) |
0x01 | Flags (0x02? or 0x00) |
0x02-0x03 | Packet Size (0x003C) |
0x04-0x23 | Name of Quest (PSO/Name) |
0x24-0x26 | Padding (all zeroes) |
0x27-0x36 | Name of the file |
0x37 | Padding (zero) |
0x38-0x3B | Size of the file |