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Protocol:Packet 0x41

From Sylverant Wiki
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The server sends clients Packet 0x41 as a reply to a guild card search (initiated by a Packet 0x40 sent by the client). This packet is only sent out if the person being searched for is online currently.

Dreamcast Packet Format

Bytes Meaning
0x00 Packet Type (0x41)
0x01 Flags (0x00)
0x02-0x03 Packet Size (0x00C4)
0x04-0x07 Player Tag (0x00010000)
0x08-0x0B Guildcard Number of searching person
0x0C-0x0F Guildcard Number of person being searched for
0x10-0x13 Padding (all zeroes)
0x14-0x17 IP Address of the Block the person is on (Big-Endian)
0x18-0x19 Port of the Block the person is on (Little-Endian)
0x1A-0x1B Padding (all zeroes)
0x1C-0x5F Location string (see below for format)
0x60-0x63 Menu ID of the lobby the person is on
0x64-0x67 Item ID of the lobby the person is on
0x68-0xA3 Padding (all zeroes)
0xA4-0xC3 Name of the character the person is using

Since I'm lazy, this is how Sylverant formats the Location string:

sprintf(pkt->location, "%s,BLOCK%02d,%s", game, block, ship);