Packet 0xC4
The server sends Packet 0xC4 to clients in reply to a Choice Search (Packet 0xC3).
Dreamcast Packet Format
Bytes | Meaning |
0x00 | Packet Type (0xC4) |
0x01 | Flags (Number of Entries) |
0x02-0x03 | Packet Size (Variable) |
0x04... | Found players (note, at least one entry must be here, blank it if nothing was found; see below for format) |
Found players entry format
Bytes | Meaning |
0x00-0x03 | Guildcard Number |
0x04-0x13 | Player Name |
0x14-0x33 | Player Class/Level |
0x34-0x63 | Location string (formatted the same as for a guild search) |
0x64-0x67 | Padding (all zeroes) |
0x68-0x6B | IP Address of the block the client is on (Big-Endian) |
0x6C-0x6D | Port of the block the client is on (Little-Endian) |
0x6E-0x6F | Padding (all zeroes) |
0x70-0x73 | Menu ID of lobby the client is in |
0x74-0x77 | Item ID of lobby the client is in |
0x78-0xD3 | Padding (all zeroes) |