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Protocol:Packet 0x44

From Sylverant Wiki
Revision as of 20:53, 5 January 2010 by BlueCrab (talk | contribs) (Add note about Packet 0xA6.)

The server sends clients Packet 0x44 when starting to send a quest to let the client know which files are going to be transmitted. Packet 0xA6 is used similarly for GBA files for the Gamecube version of PSO.

Dreamcast Packet Format

Bytes Meaning
0x00 Packet Type (0x44)
0x01 Flags (0x02?)
0x02-0x03 Packet Size (0x003C)
0x04-0x23 Name of Quest (PSO/Name)
0x24-0x26 Padding (all zeroes)
0x27-0x36 Name of the file
0x37 Padding (zero)
0x38-0x3B Size of the file