Server Status
Current Time
12:02:52 UTC
Event Data

Harvest Hunt 2

2024-10-28 00:00:00 UTC
2024-11-25 00:00:00 UTC

Ranking for BP

  1. Fuyutsuki - 881278
  2. Nyte - 259368
  3. Gen6Gamer - 234567
  4. Santiagus - 185629
  5. enfilade - 140310
  6. Aleron Ives - 138758
  7. Ckarl - 113213
  8. Apple - 107138
  9. Rorgigor - 90744
  10. Sleep - 72104

Last Updated:
2024-11-25 00:00:00 UTC

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Two months with no news…

Heh, I just realized that its been two months since I’ve actually posted anything on here. No, the project isn’t dead it was just moving rather slowly due to classes at the university I attend. Things continue to improve rather nicely with the server. Also, if you’ve noticed the Twitter feed on the left side of the page, that’s been updated at least a few times since the last time I posted anything here.

Anyway, as for what’s new with the project:

  • I’ve added support for PSOPC that seems to work fairly well.
  • I’ve created a new online quest that will be available on Sylverant entitled “Global Warming”. Its fully compatible with all versions of PSO supported by the server (so, PSOv1, PSOv2 and PSOPC).
  • I’ve been adding a few commands to the server that can be used by typing something starting with /. Some of the commands are usable by everyone, others only by GMs.
  • Global (shipgate-wide) GMs are supported now, although they currently do not have any additional powers over what local (ship-level) GMs have. That will be changing sometime in the (hopefully near) future.

There’s still a few more things I would like to take care of before opening the server up to the public, but I’m really hoping that can happen soon. Thanks to anyone still following the project, even with my almost complete lack of updates.

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