Server Status
Current Time
11:02:47 UTC
Event Data

Harvest Hunt 2

2024-10-28 00:00:00 UTC
2024-11-25 00:00:00 UTC

Ranking for BP

  1. Fuyutsuki - 881278
  2. Nyte - 259368
  3. Gen6Gamer - 234567
  4. Santiagus - 185629
  5. enfilade - 140310
  6. Aleron Ives - 138758
  7. Ckarl - 113213
  8. Apple - 107138
  9. Rorgigor - 90744
  10. Sleep - 72104

Last Updated:
2024-11-25 00:00:00 UTC

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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Baltimore Ravens, Super Bowl Champions!

Monday, February 4th, 2013

The Vince Lombardi Trophy is coming back to Baltimore.
Image shamelessly borrowed from the Baltimore Ravens Facebook page.

Needless to say, I’m a happy fan right now.


So, I just noticed something…

Thursday, August 25th, 2011

I hadn’t actually noticed that I didn’t do a “monthly update” post for this month as of yet. At this point, its pretty pointless, so I’ll just save it for September. 😉


In Memoriam…

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

I don’t usually use the space on pages for my projects to talk about personal issues, but I felt the need to this time. Yesterday, July 19th, my grandfather Alvin Perry passed away at the age of 77. While I was unfortunately never as close to my grandfather as I would have liked, this still feels like the right thing to do.

I only wish that we would have been able to share more time together. I know that now you’ve gone to that great fishing spot in the sky, grandpop! You’ll land the big one for sure now!



Saturday, April 2nd, 2011

… the last post was my lame attempt at an April Fool’s Day joke. I’ll post the real monthly update at some point, but not right now. Not that there’s really much to say, because I have been so busy (with work and class)…


The Future…

Friday, April 1st, 2011

So, I guess I can make the monthly post of no value now, right? Anyway, you probably noticed that not much changed around here this past month. While I can sit around and make excuses for it (busy with real life, classes, work, etc) its all just been a huge sham. Really, the reason is that I’ve been pursuing my true love in programming: programming for the Sony Playstation 2. In fact, I’ve decided to drop working on anything related to Dreamcast or PSO entirely. Why? It interferes with my true ambitions in programming. I’d rather have the time to devote to what I love than continuing this sham that I’ve been putting on.

This site will be repurposed in the coming days as an anime blog. Why? Because I have this great logo to use for it, all ready to go:

New Sylverant! Logo

Isn’t it lovely? Anyway, that’s all I have to say for now, in this last of the monthly updates.


Just a quick post

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011

This is just a really quick post for two little minor notes. First of all, I managed to break comment posting the other day, apparently. Its fixed now, but any permanent links you may have had to articles have changed slightly. Please update any links so that they point to the new addresses. Second, I’ve started a personal blog. I don’t expect it to be particularly interesting at all, and I’ll probably abandon it like I have so many other blogs in the past, but its there. If you’re interested, its at

Anyway, that’s it… Like I said, a real quick post.


Something I just discovered…

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

EDIT (a few hours later):
Well, I’ve gotten some responses from someone in an admin position at dreamcast-talk (yay!), and they seem to be readily rectifying the situation at the moment!

Original Post follows:
Apparently, has been using the Sylverant PSO server for their private server for some time now, without even bothering to tell me about it, or even acknowledge that this is the case. They’re perfectly legally allowed to be using the server code (it is GPLed for a reason), but the fact that they’re not even saying where that code came from, or how they managed to make such a server really pisses me off. Not to mention the fact that they’re directly going against my wishes by setting up a private shipgate.

That said, I just sent them a message on their forums, which is included in the full text of this post…


IPv6 Anyone?

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

Not that anyone but me probably cares, but the machine running this website now has support for IPv6 connections. So, if you’re on an IPv6 enabled machine/network/etc, it might well be coming to you over IPv6 (yes, the AAAA record is in the DNS as well). Thanks to the people at Hurricane Electric for the IPv6 tunnel that makes this all work (you can get your own IPv6 tunnel through them for free).

I’ve been toying with the idea of allowing ship server to shipgate connections to be done over IPv6 for the Sylverant server as well… The shipgate could theoretically be run completely on IPv6 (no, I have no intention of making the shipgate only accept connections on IPv6, just stating this from a theoretical point of view), but any ship servers will require IPv4 addresses simply because of the fact that PSO doesn’t know anything about IPv6.


Happy 9/9/09

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

Even though the day is almost over for me, I figured I’d at least post something…. 9/9/09 is 10 years to the day when the Dreamcast was released in the US. My original plan was to have Sylverant up and running for the occasion, but due to one really nasty bug, that’s not possible.

The source code is up for what I have now on the Google Code project, linked to above.


Welcome to Sylverant!

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

Welcome to the home of the Sylverant PSO Server, both its code and the actual server that will be put up with it. Unfortunately, neither are quite ready for prime time just yet, but the website itself is. C’est la vie.

I’ve posted a bit of an interesting read about the history of the project from its inception to now on the About page. Hopefully that will clarify some misconceptions that people seem to have about my server (that I’m not sure where they came up with them), and its origins.

Sorry I don’t have more to show at the moment, stay tuned, more will be coming soon.

Copyright © 2009 - 2020 Lawrence Sebald | Site design by Jean-Paul Van Gorder