Server Status
Current Time
13:10:19 UTC
Event Data

Easter Egg Hunt

2024-03-25 04:00:00 UTC
2024-04-08 04:00:00 UTC

Ranking for BP

  1. Fuyutsuki - 260629
  2. ShinobiWan1 - 75531
  3. Nyte - 57807
  4. Aleron Ives - 55362
  5. Gen6Gamer - 34447
  6. Infamousrose - 31864
  7. enfilade - 28465
  8. chaoskaiser72 - 23267
  9. Martin - 19809
  10. No1Dopechampion - 18073

Last Updated:
2024-04-08 04:00:00 UTC

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Archive for 2019

Server Event: Wondrous Winter 2

Monday, December 16th, 2019

The winter season is upon us, so how about another server event?

Event Information:
Start Time: December 17, 2019 @ 00:00 UTC (@041)
End Time: January 17, 2020 @ 00:00 UTC (@041)

The weather outside might well be frightful, so it’s a good thing you’re probably not playing PSO out there. Collect metallic prize tokens in-game to trade in for various in-game prizes in January!

This event is open to all versions of the game currently supported on Sylverant.

This event does not have a leaderboard associated with it. Instead, a global kill counter has been implemented. As various goals are met on the global kill counter, rates for the tokens dropped in game will increase. Like previous events, there are various penalties for those that try to use gameplay techniques that are unfair to everyone else on the server — so don’t try to be an asshat.

(Not So) Fine Print:

  • This event, like previous events, requires you to have enabled /trackkills on your account while logged in (with /login or /tlogin). It is only open to those with a registered account on the Sylverant website that have registered their serial number and access key on the site.
  • This event tracks various statistics during your gameplay, including the number of enemies you have killed. Also, kills and various other events that happen in game may reward you with various kinds of tokens. These tokens will be able to be traded in after the event.
  • The list of prizes that can be traded for after the event will be posted at a later date.
  • The /trackkills command must be run on each registered guild card in your account in order to make progress on that guild card.
  • If you used the /trackkills command in the earlier events, unless you have since disabled it, you will be able to collect trinkets and track your statistics.
  • Cheating of any kind (be it by way of using a cheat device such as a CodeBreaker or by abusing game bugs) is not permitted! Anyone caught cheating in any way is subject to being banned from the server. This event is meant to be fun for everyone, not for a small group of cheaters to run away with it! There have been people disqualified in previous events — don’t become the next one to be disqualified for cheating!
  • Statistics should be able to be tracked on all ships of the server, finally.
  • You may use the /tokens command on a ship to see your currently collected token totals.
  • The /goal command will display the current global kill count and what the next goal is for a token drop rate increase. This data will only update when you switch floors or join/leave a team.
  • Trinket drop rates may be adjusted as the event goes on. Also, there may be various announced and unannounced incentives for playing at different times during the event period.
  • The kill counter will be displayed on the website at a later date, when I get a chance to set it up.

Edit (January 25, 2020): The token redemption period for the event has begun. Please see this post on the forum for more information. Token redemption will end at 00:00 UTC on February 9, 2020.


Server Event Results: Still Dreaming – 20 Years Later

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019

Sorry about the results being a bit later here than I would have liked… Life happens…

First up, on the Enemy Kills leaderboard, the top 10 looks like this:

  1. Apocalypse612 – 42063
  2. Jaxxer – 20185
  3. Blst – 14209
  4. TiagoMMM – 13494
  5. Selene – 13296
  6. Aleron Ives – 10480
  7. Chuck Norris – 9272
  8. Lutz – 7085
  9. Namron – 5343
  10. Mordarion – 5291

For assists, the top 10 are as follows:

  1. Apocalypse612 – 4437
  2. Jaxxer – 4276
  3. Blst – 3271
  4. Chuck Norris – 3193
  5. Aleron Ives – 1976
  6. Selene – 1817
  7. Kabes – 1646
  8. dcdingo – 1644
  9. zakmat – 1511
  10. 68kdude – 1204

Each of the placers on these lists have already received BBAs to trade. Just like last event, 1st and 2nd place on each list will get 5, and so on down to 9th and 10th place each getting 1 BBA.

And because Aleron Ives still seems to enjoy me keeping track of boxes being broken, just like last time, prizes (VMUs) were given out to those who got in the top 20 on that list.

The full leaderboard is available to view here, including all three of these tracked categories.

Information on how to claim prize parts for leaderboard placement as well as how to trade in parts is available on this forum post. You will be able to trade things in up until October 17, 2019 at 04:00 UTC.


Server Event: Still Dreaming – 20 Years Later

Monday, September 9th, 2019

The Dreamcast was released 20 years ago on 9/9/99 in the US, so let’s celebrate it’s birthday! Oh yeah, and let’s celebrate the 10th anniversary of Sylverant while we’re at it.

Event Information:
Start Time: September 9, 2019 @ 09:00 EDT / 13:00 UTC (@583)
End Time: September 23, 2019 @ 09:00 EDT / 13:00 UTC (@583)

Twenty years ago, the Sega Dreamcast was released to much fanfare in the US. All this time later, we are still dreaming.
Ten years ago, the Sylverant PSO Server was first introduced to the world, and here we are still going strong.
Collect Dreamcast accessories to keep the dream alive for many more years to come. Yes, this event is open to all supported versions on all platforms, even if we respect the Dreamcast users just a little bit more.

This event is open to all versions of the game currently supported on Sylverant.

Like the previous events, additional trinkets will be rewarded to those that place highly on the leaderboards. Also, like the winter event, there will be various penalties associated with gameplay that might be unfair to everyone else on the server — so don’t be an asshat and try to cheese your way to higher kill counts and such.

(Not So) Fine Print:

  • This event, like previous events, requires you to have enabled /trackkills on your account while logged in (with /login or /tlogin). It is only open to those with a registered account on the Sylverant website that have registered their serial number and access key on the site.
  • This event tracks various statistics during your gameplay, including the number of enemies you have killed. Also, kills and various other events that happen in game may reward you with various kinds of Dreamcast Accessories (virtually, of course — nobody’s actually getting any BBAs out of this event). These accessories will be able to be traded in after the event.
  • The list of prizes that can be traded for after the event will be posted at a later date.
  • The /trackkills command must be run on each registered guild card in your account in order to make progress on that guild card.
  • If you used the /trackkills command in the earlier events, unless you have since disabled it, you will be able to collect trinkets and track your statistics.
  • Cheating of any kind (be it by way of using a cheat device such as a CodeBreaker or by abusing game bugs) is not permitted! Anyone caught cheating in any way is subject to being banned from the server. This event is meant to be fun for everyone, not for a small group of cheaters to run away with it! There have been people disqualified in previous events — don’t become the next one to be disqualified for cheating!
  • Statistics will only be counted on Iselia, Altimira, and Palmacosta. Scripting support is still not quite working on Vega.
  • You may use the /showitems command on a ship to see your currently collected accessory totals.
  • Trinket drop rates may be adjusted as the event goes on. Also, there may be various announced and unannounced incentives for playing at different times during the event period.

Server Event Results: Eggcelent Easter

Saturday, May 4th, 2019

The Eggcelent Easter event concluded almost a week ago, and I suppose I should probably post the results for posterity.

First up, on the Enemy Kills leaderboard, the top 10 looks like this:

  1. Chuck Norris – 48046
  2. Blst – 46180
  3. GENESIS8588 – 23560
  4. Jaxxer – 18129
  5. ZANBA – 15277
  6. zakmat – 12880
  7. Nyte – 10010
  8. MagMan – 8046
  9. Aleron Ives – 7473
  10. renzokuken99 – 7262

For assists, the top 10 are as follows:

  1. zakmat – 10655
  2. Chuck Norris – 8502
  3. Blst – 7535
  4. renzokuken99 – 4701
  5. Jaxxer – 3649
  6. mistamontiel – 2520
  7. Aleron Ives – 2482
  8. ZANBA – 1946
  9. Tinman2428 – 1750
  10. mahkbooks – 1477

Each of the placers on these lists will receive crystal eggs to trade in soon. 1st and 2nd place on each list will receive 5 crystal eggs, 3rd and 4th will receive 4 crystal eggs, 5th and 6th will receive 3 crystal eggs, 7th and 8th will receive 2 crystal eggs, and 9th and 10th place will receive 1 crystal egg.

In addition the event code was also keeping track of how many boxes everyone broke. The top 20 finishers on the leaderboard for boxes broken will receive some chocolate eggs as a prize (1st/2nd get 10, 3rd/4th get 9, and so on). Just a little easter egg that the event was keeping track of, mostly because Aleron Ives asked me to. 😉

The full leaderboard is available to view here, including all three of these tracked categories. Also, the Winter Wonderland leaderboard has also been updated to show the assists leaderboard, which was at least done soon in Valve Time. 😉

Information on how to claim prize eggs for leaderboard placement as well as how to trade in eggs for various prizes will be posted in the very near future is available on this forum post.


Server Event: Eggcelent Easter

Sunday, April 14th, 2019

Since the Winter event was a success, how about an event for Easter?

Event Information:
Start Time: April 15, 2019 @ 02:00 UTC (@125)
End Time: April 29, 2019 @ 02:00 UTC (@125)

Hunt down the vile creatures who have stolen all of the eggs from the families that have ventured down to Ragol and be rewarded for returning them to their rightful owners.

This event is open to all versions of the game currently supported on Sylverant.

Like the winter event, additional trinkets will be rewarded to those that place highly on the leaderboards. Also, like the winter event, there will be various penalties associated with gameplay that might be unfair to everyone else on the server — so don’t be an asshat and try to cheese your way to higher kill counts and such.

(Not So) Fine Print:

  • This event, like previous events, requires you to have enabled /trackkills on your account while logged in (with /login or /tlogin). It is only open to those with a registered account on the Sylverant website that have registered their serial number and access key on the site.
  • This event tracks various statistics during your gameplay, including the number of enemies you have killed. Also, kills and various other events that happen in game may reward you with various kinds of Easter Eggs. These Easter Eggs will be able to be traded in after the event.
  • The list of prizes that can be traded for after the event will be posted at a later date.
  • The /trackkills command must be run on each registered guild card in your account in order to make progress on that guild card.
  • If you used the /trackkills command in the earlier events, unless you have since disabled it, you will be able to collect trinkets and track your statistics.
  • Cheating of any kind (be it by way of using a cheat device such as a CodeBreaker or by abusing game bugs) is not permitted! Anyone caught cheating in any way is subject to being banned from the server. This event is meant to be fun for everyone, not for a small group of cheaters to run away with it! There have been people disqualified in previous events — don’t become the next one to be disqualified for cheating!
  • Statistics will only be counted on Iselia and Altimira, as the other two ships do not support scripting properly.
  • You may use the /showeggs command on a ship to see your currently collected egg totals.
  • Trinket drop rates may be adjusted as the event goes on. Also, there may be various announced and unannounced incentives for playing at different times during the event period.

Server Event Results: Wondrous Winter

Monday, January 21st, 2019

Our first new-style server event has concluded a few hours ago, so here’s the results:

For kills tracked during the event:

  1. NecroRevolver – 115220
  2. Modesty – 93315
  3. zakmat – 44570
  4. Jaxxer – 24330
  5. natural585 – 21507
  6. ChuChuFlamingo – 15206
  7. KPG – 15022
  8. Aleron Ives – 13337
  9. Lutz – 11660
  10. Blst – 10150

For assists during the event:

  1. zakmat – 71133
  2. Jaxxer – 25557
  3. 68kdude – 12874
  4. mahkbooks – 5258
  5. Aleron Ives – 4987
  6. NecroRevolver – 4508
  7. dcdingo – 4259
  8. ChuChuFlamingo – 4043
  9. Selene – 3025
  10. Kabes – 2834

Here is a link to the full results page. As of right now, the results do not show assists on the results page, but that will be corrected soon.

Prizes will be given out in the form of tokens to all of those who placed on either of these two leaderboards. I’ll make a followup here once the prizes have been distributed.

Now, as for what the tokens will be good for… Tokens will be exchangeable starting later this week. More information on exchanging tokens will be posted soon, but it will be done by way of using commands on one of the script-supporting ships (so, Iselia or Altimira).

I would like to express appreciation toward everyone who participated in this event! We had a total of 42 different hunters who registered at least one kill during the event, which is double the number that have participated in any previous events. There may have been a few rough edges during this event, especially early, but I feel that it was a rousing success. We will be having another event in this style coming up around Easter, so please look forward to it. We’ve learned a lot as we went through this event, so the next one won’t exactly be the same, but it will have a very similar structure and feel.

Prizes for those who placed on either leaderboard have been distributed. 1st place on either leaderboard got 10 platinum tokens, 2nd place got 9, 3rd got 8, and so on down to 10th place which got 1 platinum token. Apologies for the delays on leaderboard prizes and token exchanging.

Details on what can be gotten with your tokens are available on this post on the forum.

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