Server Status
Current Time
04:03:17 UTC
Event Data

Harvest Hunt 2

2024-10-28 00:00:00 UTC
2024-11-25 00:00:00 UTC

Ranking for BP

  1. Fuyutsuki - 881278
  2. Nyte - 259368
  3. Gen6Gamer - 234567
  4. Santiagus - 185629
  5. enfilade - 140310
  6. Aleron Ives - 138758
  7. Ckarl - 113213
  8. Apple - 107138
  9. Rorgigor - 90744
  10. Sleep - 72104

Last Updated:
2024-11-25 00:00:00 UTC

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The Future…

So, I guess I can make the monthly post of no value now, right? Anyway, you probably noticed that not much changed around here this past month. While I can sit around and make excuses for it (busy with real life, classes, work, etc) its all just been a huge sham. Really, the reason is that I’ve been pursuing my true love in programming: programming for the Sony Playstation 2. In fact, I’ve decided to drop working on anything related to Dreamcast or PSO entirely. Why? It interferes with my true ambitions in programming. I’d rather have the time to devote to what I love than continuing this sham that I’ve been putting on.

This site will be repurposed in the coming days as an anime blog. Why? Because I have this great logo to use for it, all ready to go:

New Sylverant! Logo

Isn’t it lovely? Anyway, that’s all I have to say for now, in this last of the monthly updates.

6 Responses to “The Future…”

  1. KoNeko says:

    I’m looking forward to the endeavors ahead of you and a bright future for us all!

    This site is going to be SO kawaii! ^_^

  2. Aleron Ives says:

    I’m looking forward to your PS2 PSO port! 🙂

  3. Martin says:

    It’s april first people…. Epic server man, appreciate the groundwork very much 🙂 .

  4. Rylin says:

    I know its late as heck but I just noticed that the font you used was the same as the Angel Beats! logo…is that by chnace or design lol =P

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