Server Status
Current Time
08:07:08 UTC
Event Data

Easter Egg Hunt

2024-03-25 04:00:00 UTC
2024-04-08 04:00:00 UTC

Ranking for BP

  1. Fuyutsuki - 260629
  2. ShinobiWan1 - 75531
  3. Nyte - 57807
  4. Aleron Ives - 55362
  5. Gen6Gamer - 34447
  6. Infamousrose - 31864
  7. enfilade - 28465
  8. chaoskaiser72 - 23267
  9. Martin - 19809
  10. No1Dopechampion - 18073

Last Updated:
2024-04-08 04:00:00 UTC

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… the last post was my lame attempt at an April Fool’s Day joke. I’ll post the real monthly update at some point, but not right now. Not that there’s really much to say, because I have been so busy (with work and class)…

3 Responses to “Obviously…”

  1. Aleron Ives says:

    What? You mean I’m not getting my PS2 PSO? 😉

  2. nana says:

    Please don’t do jokes like that! It almost made me cry! There is no such thing as April fools here in Japan.

    • BlueCrab says:

      I figured it was off-the-wall enough that nobody would actually fall for it. Sorry if I worried you at all.

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