Server Status
Current Time
01:03:58 UTC
Event Data

Harvest Hunt 2

2024-10-28 00:00:00 UTC
2024-11-25 00:00:00 UTC

Ranking for BP

  1. Fuyutsuki - 881278
  2. Nyte - 259368
  3. Gen6Gamer - 234567
  4. Santiagus - 185629
  5. enfilade - 140310
  6. Aleron Ives - 138758
  7. Ckarl - 113213
  8. Apple - 107138
  9. Rorgigor - 90744
  10. Sleep - 72104

Last Updated:
2024-11-25 00:00:00 UTC

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Archive for 2013

It’s that time of the year again…

Monday, September 9th, 2013

Yes, it is September 9th once again. I’m a bit late on the post, so I’m sure it is the 10th by now for a good portion of the people around here, but it still needs to be said.

Today marks the 14th anniversary of the Dreamcast’s release in the US and the 4th anniversary of Sylverant. Hopefully we’ll see many more of these posts in the years to come. 🙂


Sylverant PSO Patcher 2.0 Released!

Friday, July 26th, 2013

Now, from out in left field, a release…

Tonight, I have released version 2.0 of the Sylverant PSO Patcher. This version is almost a complete rewrite from the old version, fixes various bugs, and adds a few new features. Here’s a brief overview of what’s new:

  • Added support for patching the hostname in and booting the PSO Network Trial Edition.
  • Added support for patching in the music for the Palace and Spaceship stages into the main bgm table. This way, quests that use these stages in non-battle mode (Prospective Horizons on Altimira) can use the correct background music. This patch is optional. When you see the note about pressing Start for all patches or A for not patching the music, this is what is being referred to.
  • Fixed booting of many import games that would not boot with the older version. This version still won’t boot Windows CE-based games, but it hopefully will work with just about any other game you throw at it, if you choose to use it as an import boot disc.
  • Finally, and most importantly, this release fixes the issues with battle mode timing out immediately on all Dreamcast versions when using the patcher. No, there was never any bugs in the server with regard to this, which is why it worked for people that used PALv2 and didn’t use the patcher at all.

Due to that last fixed issue, it is recommended that all users update to the new patcher if they ever intend to play in Battle mode.

You can find the downloads on the Downloads page on the Google Code project. As with previous versions, there are downloads for the source code, plain files, and a self-booting CDI image (the CDI image was built by Aleron Ives and should be in the data/data format).


A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words?

Saturday, June 29th, 2013

Well, that’s what they say anyway (who are “they” anyway?)… If you’ve been following along on the forums or on twitter, you might know what this is about. Otherwise, this might involve a bit of head-scratching… Anyway, I’m just going to leave this here for now.

Screenshot of the Lobby


KallistiOS 2.0.0 Released!

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

This is unrelated to Sylverant itself, but it might be at least somewhat relevant to some of our community (those who are interested in Dreamcast development, that is). Plus, it is one of the other projects I work on, so I feel the need to cross-post it…

Well, it has been a long time coming, but after ten years, KOS sees a new release today.

For those of you who have been following along with the source control this whole time (through CVS, SVN and now Git), you probably know that there have been all kinds of changes to KOS over the years. For those of you who haven’t been paying attention (or who have been using KOS 1.2.0 for all this time for some reason), go check it out and see all the stuff that has happened in the past 10 years.

There have been far too many changes for me to even highlight just the big ones here, so I’ll defer that to the changelog.

Head on over to to grab the new release.


Baltimore Ravens, Super Bowl Champions!

Monday, February 4th, 2013

The Vince Lombardi Trophy is coming back to Baltimore.
Image shamelessly borrowed from the Baltimore Ravens Facebook page.

Needless to say, I’m a happy fan right now.

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