Server Status
Current Time
12:02:11 UTC
Event Data

Harvest Hunt 2

2024-10-28 00:00:00 UTC
2024-11-25 00:00:00 UTC

Ranking for BP

  1. Fuyutsuki - 881278
  2. Nyte - 259368
  3. Gen6Gamer - 234567
  4. Santiagus - 185629
  5. enfilade - 140310
  6. Aleron Ives - 138758
  7. Ckarl - 113213
  8. Apple - 107138
  9. Rorgigor - 90744
  10. Sleep - 72104

Last Updated:
2024-11-25 00:00:00 UTC

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New Host

If you haven’t been around in the past couple of days, then you probably never noticed, but Sylverant now has a new host. I apologize for the downtime over the past few days, but things are getting a lot closer to normal now…

I’d like to sincerely thank our previous host GrizzlyAdams for graciously hosting us for the past seven years. It’s hard to believe, but it all started with me joking around on IRC and asking if he’d like to host a PSO server that I was writing — and he agreed. I never expected him to do so, and I never expected the server to still be around all these years later. Unfortunately, due to a number of issues, he had to discontinue our hosting, thus I’ve moved us over to a new cloud hosting solution.

There are still a few things that aren’t quite back to normal yet, but they should get there over the next few days. The server itself has been back up for several hours, even if the website has lagged behind a bit.

I’ll be posting more details about what this move means in the near future.

If you are using one of the DNS tricks to access the server, you will have to update the address of the server. The How to Connect page has already been updated with all the information that you need to know. Anyone using the Sylverant PSO Patcher disc on the Dreamcast shouldn’t have to change anything (unless you were also using the old DNS server — if so, just remove it as it is not necessary). I still need to get the PPP server set back up for use with Devolution, so Wii users will have to wait just a bit longer for me to get everything back to normal (sorry!).

2 Responses to “New Host”

  1. Shanzenos says:

    Just a question, what line should we be looking for if using a hex editor to patch the PC version to the new Sylverant? I can’t find anything that looks like a web address to overwrite in autorun or autorun2. Am I looking in the wrong place? Sorry for the dumb question, any help appreciated.

    • BlueCrab says:

      Look for any of the following strings (I don’t remember which of these are actually used in PSOPC’s main exe):

      In case you have some sort of pre-patched version, you might look for “” as well.

      Look for them in the pso.exe file and just replace them with “”. Make sure there’s a byte with hex value 0 after the end of (you can overwrite the rest of the address strings with zero bytes if you’d like, but it isn’t necessary to do s). Of course, none of these will have quotes around them (and nor should when you put it in).

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