Server Status
Current Time
01:03:33 UTC
Event Data

Harvest Hunt 2

2024-10-28 00:00:00 UTC
2024-11-25 00:00:00 UTC

Ranking for BP

  1. Fuyutsuki - 881278
  2. Nyte - 259368
  3. Gen6Gamer - 234567
  4. Santiagus - 185629
  5. enfilade - 140310
  6. Aleron Ives - 138758
  7. Ckarl - 113213
  8. Apple - 107138
  9. Rorgigor - 90744
  10. Sleep - 72104

Last Updated:
2024-11-25 00:00:00 UTC

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Archive for 2018

Server Event: Wondrous Winter

Friday, December 21st, 2018

I promised another server event by the end of the year, so here it goes. This one is quite a bit different than previous events though…

Event Information:
Start Time: December 21, 2018 @ 23:00 UTC (@000)
End Time: January 21, 2019 @ 23:00 UTC (@000)

The weather outside might well be frightful, so it’s a good thing you’re probably not playing PSO out there. Collect metallic prize tokens in-game to trade in for various in-game prizes in January!

This event is open to all versions of the game currently supported on Sylverant.

Prizes will be given out to participants that place highly on the leaderboards for the various statistics this event tracks. More information on these prizes will be given at a later date.

(Not So) Fine Print:

  • This event, like previous events, requires you to have enabled /trackkills on your account while logged in (with /login or /tlogin). It is only open to those with a registered account on the Sylverant website that have registered their serial number and access key on the site.
  • This event tracks various statistics during your gameplay, including the number of enemies you have killed. Also, kills and various other events that happen in game may reward you with a bronze, silver, gold, or platinum token. These tokens will be able to be traded in after the event.
  • The list of prizes that can be traded for after the event will be posted at a later date.
  • The /trackkills command must be run on each registered guild card in your account in order to make progress on that guild card.
  • If you used the /trackkills command in the earlier events, unless you have since disabled it, you will be able to collect tokens and track your statistics.
  • Cheating of any kind (be it by way of using a cheat device such as a CodeBreaker or by abusing game bugs) is not permitted! Anyone caught cheating in any way is subject to being banned from the server. This event is meant to be fun for everyone, not for a small group of cheaters to run away with it! There have been people disqualified in previous events — don’t become the next one to be disqualified for cheating!
  • Statistics will only be counted on ships running at least Git revision 562 (check by running “/ver” in-game). As of right now, this means that kills on Palmacosta and Vega will not count (this will be updated if/when the administrators of those ships update the code).

I will be posting more information about the event as time goes on on the Sylverant forum. The post where such information will be posted is here.

The Leaderboard on the website will not show results right away, as I have to update the website code to look at the new data for the event. However, you can check your progress in-game by using the commands /showkills and /tokens.


Server Event Results: Candy Caper

Monday, November 19th, 2018

With the recent event being done for a few days now, it seems like a good time to post the results:

  1. Pilla – 17502
  2. zakmat – 3787
  3. chrissa – 3313
  4. dcdingo – 900
  5. MaskMW – 894
  6. Didan – 792
  7. Aleron Ives – 699
  8. rsa2000 – 423
  9. Kabes – 341
  10. mahkbooks – 263

Here is a link to the full results page. Thanks to all players who participated.

There will be another event coming up in the month of December, which might have a few new twists to it. Look forward to it! Also, to anyone who hadn’t noticed on the Twitter feed, you can now adjust the name that will be displayed in the event results for your account, in case you don’t want it to show your username for whatever reason — look on the Account Settings page after logging in.


Server Event: Candy Caper

Friday, November 2nd, 2018

Well, I decided (or rather life decided for me) that having another “Haunting Halloween” event was too boring… So, how about a post-Halloween event instead?

Event Information:
Start Time: November 3, 2018 @ 00:00 UTC (@041)
End Time: November 17, 2018 @ 00:00 UTC (@041)

Monsters are running amok on Ragol, fueled by stolen candy from Halloween. Hunt down the offenders and help make the surface a little more peaceful again.

This event is open to all versions of the game currently supported on Sylverant.

(Not So) Fine Print:

  • This event, like previous events, requires you to have enabled /trackkills on your account while logged in (with /login or /tlogin). It is only open to those with a registered account on the Sylverant website that have registered their serial number and access key on the site.
  • The /trackkills command must be run on each registered guild card in your account for any kills made with that guild card to be counted (results are aggregated across all guild cards in your account).
  • If you used the /trackkills command in the earlier events, unless you have since disabled it, your kills will be tracked for this event.
  • Only enemies killed in free-play will be counted — no enemies killed during quests will count toward your totals for this event.
  • Cheating of any kind (be it by way of using a cheat device such as a CodeBreaker or by abusing game bugs) is not permitted! Anyone caught cheating in any way is subject to being banned from the server. This event is meant to be fun for everyone, not for a small group of cheaters to run away with it! There have been people disqualified in previous events — don’t become the next one to be disqualified for cheating!

9 Years

Sunday, September 9th, 2018

It has been 9 years since I publicly announced/released Sylverant as of today, which also means it has been 19 years since the release of the Dreamcast in the US. While I regret how quiet I’ve been around here lately, the relative quiet certainly doesn’t mean that there hasn’t been stuff done.

For instance (for those who don’t pay attention on twitter), after a bit of a false start, I’ve rolled out online runtime patching of PSO version 2 for the Dreamcast and PSO Episode I & II for the Gamecube. There’s still more work to be done with that particular feature, but it’s still functional and available to bring some interesting and useful patches to Dreamcast and Gamecube users (at least those not using PSO Episode I & II Plus).


Server Event Results: New Year’s Fireworks

Friday, January 19th, 2018

I probably should’ve posted these results already, but I kept forgetting… Oh well, here they are:

  1. 68kdude – 3950
  2. Fallingferret – 1831
  3. MahlayNova – 1245
  4. Vegitto – 824
  5. Sleep – 628
  6. FaithY – 513
  7. mistamontiel – 496
  8. hawkzer0 – 350
  9. AleronIves – 222
  10. mahkbooks – 186

Here’s the full results page for the event, for anyone interested. Thanks to everyone who participated!

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