Server Status
Current Time
08:07:12 UTC
Event Data

Easter Egg Hunt

2024-03-25 04:00:00 UTC
2024-04-08 04:00:00 UTC

Ranking for BP

  1. Fuyutsuki - 260629
  2. ShinobiWan1 - 75531
  3. Nyte - 57807
  4. Aleron Ives - 55362
  5. Gen6Gamer - 34447
  6. Infamousrose - 31864
  7. enfilade - 28465
  8. chaoskaiser72 - 23267
  9. Martin - 19809
  10. No1Dopechampion - 18073

Last Updated:
2024-04-08 04:00:00 UTC

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Happy New Year!

Just a quick shout out to wish everyone a safe and happy 2012. I look forward to another year of trying to find the time to actually work on the code to Sylverant, and I’ve resolved to try to actually get a chance to play every once in a while, beyond that.

As a quick note, the 21st Century/New Year’s event is active on Iselia right now. Not quite sure how long I’ll leave it up for. Oh yeah, and I’d appreciate it if you could try to play on Iselia a bit, as I’m testing a new locking scheme on it before pushing the code to the repository.

EDIT: New locking code is committed. Still, if you notice anything not working right that worked before, let me know.

3 Responses to “Happy New Year!”

  1. The Paranoid says:

    And a happy new year to you, too, BlueCrab.

  2. Cursory Glance says:

    Happy new year folks Hope to join you with PSO online Soon ^_^

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