Server Status
Current Time
13:10:24 UTC
Event Data

Easter Egg Hunt

2024-03-25 04:00:00 UTC
2024-04-08 04:00:00 UTC

Ranking for BP

  1. Fuyutsuki - 260629
  2. ShinobiWan1 - 75531
  3. Nyte - 57807
  4. Aleron Ives - 55362
  5. Gen6Gamer - 34447
  6. Infamousrose - 31864
  7. enfilade - 28465
  8. chaoskaiser72 - 23267
  9. Martin - 19809
  10. No1Dopechampion - 18073

Last Updated:
2024-04-08 04:00:00 UTC

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Another piece of news?!?!

A second piece of large news for Sylverant in less than 7 days? Amazing, no?

I’d like to take this post to welcome Aleron Ives’ awesome PSOv1, PSOv2, and PSOPC website PSO Palace to the Sylverant family. Also, you may have noticed the new ship floating over there to the left named Altimira. That ship is the official ship of PSO Palace, and another welcome addition to the Sylverant family. I hope that anyone out there will welcome the members of PSO Palace to our community with open arms!

14 Responses to “Another piece of news?!?!”

  1. KoNeko says:

    This server looks like a wonderful new home. 🙂

  2. Moopthehedgehog says:

    Thank you so much for helping our community. I haven’t yet been able to properly thank you, but I hope the fact that within 2 hours of being on this server I had 2 epiphanies helps. I also need to thank you for allowing Ives to have a ship that he can do all the things he’s always wanted to do on.

    Thanks man. You’re like, Schthack 2 or something 😀

  3. Didi says:

    Esta notícia é ótima, e será que vai ter suporte para o PSOBB também?

    Is this news great, and will it be that will also have support for PSOBB?

  4. BlueCrab says:

    There’s no plans to support PSOBB any time soon. Altimira is running the exact same server software as Iselia, so it will not have anything different than it.

  5. Didi says:

    But this is good, I want help-us forever

  6. Odin Taros says:

    My buddy and I recently started playing PSO again and were disappointed to find out Schterv or whatever was offline. Somehow, I stumbled across your server and it has been great so far! I just wanted to bop in here and thank you for it.

    • BlueCrab says:

      Happy to hear that people are just randomly finding the server out there. 🙂 I hope you enjoy playing on it!

      • Odin Taros says:

        Oh, for sure. We’re having a blast. And yeah, I randomly found the server, because I wouldn’t consider myself part of the PSO ongoing community (at least not until last week or so, I guess). I hadn’t played the game since like 2004. Glad to be back though!

        • BlueCrab says:

          Good to hear that you’re enjoying things. I’m always happy to see people making use of programs I write. Also glad to hear that the server is at least partially responsible for getting you back into the game. I know its certainly had that effect on me too. 🙂

  7. mahkbooks says:

    Having trouble connecting tonight. Got disconnected a few times, and Now there are some quests missing on altimira. Strange.

    • BlueCrab says:

      In case you haven’t yet, see Ives’ answer over at PSO Palace. He summed it up quite well. Not sure about the disconnects, but no quests are missing.

  8. Baron says:

    I’m so glad you’re working with Ives to keep the PSO community alive. Especially PSOV2. I know this statement is rather old, and just got back into playing PSO again. When I first got my Dreamcast in November of 2009, I was estatic. I knew there were so many arcade ports and beautiful RPG’s to play on this magnificent system and I knew PSO was one of them. So I played it on DC, then, reading online, the fact that you can still play this online through DC and PC, I has a PSOGASM! Even though I couldn’t play it on my DC, I stilled played PC and fell in love. Through multiple forums about PSO I always see Ives as one of the big contributors in keeping this game and it’s community alive. Even though I haven’t been on PC in awhile I was bummed to hear Shterv went down, however, I’m glad to hear there’s still a vice to play such a magnificent game. Thank you BlueCrab and thank you Aleron Ives who’s always helped me with my tech problems in the past, and having such a passion to keep PSO alive and well.

    • BlueCrab says:

      PSO is still probably my favorite game to play online. That’s why I pour so much work into Sylverant. Also, its fun figuring stuff out, especially stuff that nobody else has done right yet. 😉

      Thanks for the kind words, and I hope you can have fun playing here on Sylverant (and tell all your friends, so we can continue to build the community up). 🙂

      • Baron says:

        I would, but unfortunately, even though they claim to love the old school, yet, all they talk and play is Call of Duty -.-‘. However I will continue to play PSO on my Dreamcast and PC. It’s just too fun to just let it sit there and I will continue to pass the word that the PSO community is still alive and kickin’! =P

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