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Current Time
07:03:45 UTC
Event Data

Harvest Hunt 2

2024-10-28 00:00:00 UTC
2024-11-25 00:00:00 UTC

Ranking for BP

  1. Fuyutsuki - 881278
  2. Nyte - 259368
  3. Gen6Gamer - 234567
  4. Santiagus - 185629
  5. enfilade - 140310
  6. Aleron Ives - 138758
  7. Ckarl - 113213
  8. Apple - 107138
  9. Rorgigor - 90744
  10. Sleep - 72104

Last Updated:
2024-11-25 00:00:00 UTC

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Archive for the ‘Announcements’ Category

New account management pages are now live

Saturday, February 1st, 2014

So, some of you might know how much I’ve complained in the past about PHP and the account management (key registration, etc) stuff that I wrote in it for the Sylverant website. A while back, you might remember that I switched the ship status display over to being done in Python rather than in PHP. Well, when I started that little project, I also decided to rewrite all the rest of the account management stuff in Python as well. Now, several months later, I’ve finally gotten around to finishing all that up and pushing it out live to the website.

The new URL for the account management stuff is, rather than the old . For the time being, both will be available, but at some point in the fairly near future, the old account management page will be taken down entirely. If you have any links/bookmarks on websites pointing to the old pages, please update them (I think I got all the links on this site, so if you see one that’s still pointing to the old stuff, let me know). Also, if you find any problems in the new account system, let me know.



Monday, January 20th, 2014

So, to those who didn’t see it on the Twitter feed, I’m doing a bunch of updates to the OS on the server right now and the server will be down for a bit while I get things going.

EDIT: I’ve been at this for over 4 hours now, and I still don’t have everything back up yet. I’ll continue working on it when I get up in the morning.

EDIT 2: There’s still a lot of work for me to do, but I think that I can safely bring back up the PSO server. So, I’ve done that. I’ll still have to do a number of reboots along the way, probably, but I’ll time them when nobody’s online.

EDIT 3: So, I think the update is completely done now, save for rebooting one last time. So, once the server clears out, I’ll do that.

EDIT 4: Something screwed up… I’m working on resolving it now.

EDIT 5: Well, it’s still not quite right, but I suppose it’ll do until I figure out what’s actually wrong. At least everything is back up for now.

EDIT 6 (and hopefully the last one): I think I fixed the issue now. Weird voodoo bugs with files not being updated properly during the kernel upgrade are not cool.


To the idiots…

Saturday, January 18th, 2014

To the idiots who thought it would be cute to use the Sylverant DNS resolver to launch DNS-related attacks, you really are not amusing. Thanks to you idiots, the DNS server I host is now locked to only provide the addresses for PSO-related hostnames. I’m also reconsidering whether I should host said DNS or not at this point, since it is obviously more trouble than it is worth. Not that I expect said idiots to ever read this post or anything else anyway.

To those who aren’t amongst the idiots, I guess this needs a bit of explaining… One of the options for connecting to Sylverant with certain versions of PSO for the Dreamcast (Network Trial Edition, USv1, EUv1, EUv2) and all versions of PSO for Gamecube was to use the Sylverant server as your DNS in your network configuration. This works because I host a DNS server that provides the IP addresses for certain PSO-related hostnames that the game uses to try to connect to a server. All of these addresses resolve to the same IP address as the Sylverant server itself. For convenience, the DNS server could also be used for general day-to-day use and with other online games, as it would recursively look up any hostnames it did not know about, and return the correct IP address for said servers by way of (primarily) Google’s Public DNS server. However, someone recently decided it would be a good idea to use this service that I provide (the DNS server) to launch a DNS query amplification attack (see here for more info on what that is). Thus I have had to stop allowing recursive lookups to prevent someone from performing such an attack. What that means is that the Sylverant DNS is now not usable for general day-to-day lookups (not that I expect many people were using their Dreamcasts for web browsing), nor can you use it in your network configuration for playing games like Quake 3 Arena on the Dreamcast any more (which was probably more commonly done).

I highly suggest that anyone playing PSO on the Dreamcast that does not already use the Sylverant PSO Patcher disc consider doing so in the near future. I may end up having to discontinue the DNS service if people continue to abuse it, so I’d like it if everyone was prepared for that possibility.


Happy New Year!

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

Well, another year has gone by, and Sylverant is still around. That’s good news, I suppose. 🙂

I don’t really have anything Sylverant-related to post about, but I wanted to ensure that everyone knew I was actually still around. Follow along below the fold if you care to know why things have been so quiet around here lately…


It’s that time of the year again…

Monday, September 9th, 2013

Yes, it is September 9th once again. I’m a bit late on the post, so I’m sure it is the 10th by now for a good portion of the people around here, but it still needs to be said.

Today marks the 14th anniversary of the Dreamcast’s release in the US and the 4th anniversary of Sylverant. Hopefully we’ll see many more of these posts in the years to come. 🙂


Sylverant PSO Patcher 2.0 Released!

Friday, July 26th, 2013

Now, from out in left field, a release…

Tonight, I have released version 2.0 of the Sylverant PSO Patcher. This version is almost a complete rewrite from the old version, fixes various bugs, and adds a few new features. Here’s a brief overview of what’s new:

  • Added support for patching the hostname in and booting the PSO Network Trial Edition.
  • Added support for patching in the music for the Palace and Spaceship stages into the main bgm table. This way, quests that use these stages in non-battle mode (Prospective Horizons on Altimira) can use the correct background music. This patch is optional. When you see the note about pressing Start for all patches or A for not patching the music, this is what is being referred to.
  • Fixed booting of many import games that would not boot with the older version. This version still won’t boot Windows CE-based games, but it hopefully will work with just about any other game you throw at it, if you choose to use it as an import boot disc.
  • Finally, and most importantly, this release fixes the issues with battle mode timing out immediately on all Dreamcast versions when using the patcher. No, there was never any bugs in the server with regard to this, which is why it worked for people that used PALv2 and didn’t use the patcher at all.

Due to that last fixed issue, it is recommended that all users update to the new patcher if they ever intend to play in Battle mode.

You can find the downloads on the Downloads page on the Google Code project. As with previous versions, there are downloads for the source code, plain files, and a self-booting CDI image (the CDI image was built by Aleron Ives and should be in the data/data format).


KallistiOS 2.0.0 Released!

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

This is unrelated to Sylverant itself, but it might be at least somewhat relevant to some of our community (those who are interested in Dreamcast development, that is). Plus, it is one of the other projects I work on, so I feel the need to cross-post it…

Well, it has been a long time coming, but after ten years, KOS sees a new release today.

For those of you who have been following along with the source control this whole time (through CVS, SVN and now Git), you probably know that there have been all kinds of changes to KOS over the years. For those of you who haven’t been paying attention (or who have been using KOS 1.2.0 for all this time for some reason), go check it out and see all the stuff that has happened in the past 10 years.

There have been far too many changes for me to even highlight just the big ones here, so I’ll defer that to the changelog.

Head on over to to grab the new release.


Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 24th, 2012

Well, it is the end of another year already. It’s hard to believe that this is the fourth Christmas that Sylverant has been around…

There’s really no news in regard to Sylverant lately, as I’ve been quite busy with real life. There’s been a few changes in the past few months, but nothing really Earth-shattering or anything like that. Perhaps that’s a good thing — everything’s relatively stable and that is actually quite nice from an administration standpoint.

I don’t know that I’ll have much time to work on things in the next few months as well. I’ll actually be teaching the course Principles of Operating Systems at a local university this upcoming spring semester, which is quite a change compared to what I have been doing lately (I’ve been the teaching assistant for that same course for the past few semesters). In addition, I’ll be continuing work on my Master’s Degree thesis.

Well, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas (or just a happy holiday season in general, if you’re not into celebrating Christmas) and a Happy New Year after that.


Real life… and Hurricanes

Monday, October 29th, 2012

So, I’m sure that some people here on Sylverant have noticed the fact that I haven’t been around much lately. Well, I haven’t forgotten about Sylverant, but I have been quite busy lately with “real life”. As you may know, I am a graduate student in Computer Science, and lately things related to that have been taking up quite a bit of my time. Anyway, as was said a while back on my Twitter, I’m in a bit of a self-imposed hiatus from things to try to work more on my degree. Sylverant isn’t going anywhere any time soon, and everything seems relatively stable (which is a very good thing for when you’re on hiatus).

Also, on the note of real life happenings, right now we’re getting pretty battered here with wind and rain from Hurricane Sandy. So far everything’s mostly OK, but I figured I’d note this anyway. Wish us luck in getting through that. Oh, and before anyone worries about it, Sylverant isn’t hosted anywhere in Sandy’s path, so there shouldn’t be any interruptions here.

We made it through the storm just fine.


Happy Birthday Dreamcast (and Sylverant)

Sunday, September 9th, 2012

Well, its that day of the year again — September the 9th. Today marks the 13th Anniversary of the Dreamcast’s release in the United States as well as the 3rd Anniversary of Sylverant (or at least its first public appearance).

I may yet get a chance to play a bit of PSO tonight, so if I do, hopefully I’ll see some people online. 😉

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