Server Status
Current Time
15:03:46 UTC
Event Data

Harvest Hunt 2

2024-10-28 00:00:00 UTC
2024-11-25 00:00:00 UTC

Ranking for BP

  1. Fuyutsuki - 881278
  2. Nyte - 259368
  3. Gen6Gamer - 234567
  4. Santiagus - 185629
  5. enfilade - 140310
  6. Aleron Ives - 138758
  7. Ckarl - 113213
  8. Apple - 107138
  9. Rorgigor - 90744
  10. Sleep - 72104

Last Updated:
2024-11-25 00:00:00 UTC

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Server Event: 15 Years On

January 29th, 2016

It was fifteen years ago today that Sega released Phantasy Star Online for the Sega Dreamcast in the United States. It seems fitting to do something to commemorate this anniversary, so we have a new server event that starts now.

Event Information:
Start Time: January 29, 2016 @ 05:00 UTC (@250)
End Time: February 12, 2016 @ 05:00 UTC (@250)

The original Phantasy Star Online for the Sega Dreamcast was released 15 years ago. Let’s keep the hunt going for 15 more years!
Your task is to hunt down the enemies that tormented all of those brave hunters that took to Ragol in the original Phantasy Star Online.

No prizes are being given for this event. This one is completely for the fun of it.

(Not So) Fine Print:

  • This event, like the previous two events, requires you to have enabled /trackkills on your account while logged in (with /login or /tlogin). It is only open to those with a registered account on the Sylverant website that have registered their serial number and access key on the site.
  • The /trackkills command must be run on each registered guildcard in your account for any kills made with that guildcard to be counted (results are aggregated across all guildcards in your account).
  • If you used the /trackkills command in the earlier events, unless you have since disabled it, your kills will be tracked for this event.
  • Only enemies killed in free-play will be counted — no enemies killed during quests will count toward your totals for this event.

Get out there and hunt down the creatures that tormented the brave hunters of lore!


Happy Birthday Dreamcast (and Sylverant)

September 9th, 2015

Well, it’s that time of the year again — September the 9th. Today marks six years since the dawn of Sylverant, and sixteen years since the Dreamcast was released in the United States. I don’t really have anything else to add to this already late post, but I figured I should at least mention the occasion. πŸ˜‰

Here’s to many more years of providing you all with a PSO server to call home. πŸ™‚


Some Newsβ€½

July 4th, 2015

It’s been a while since there’s been any news here, but all in all that’s probably a good thing. It means that things are pretty calm and running relatively smoothly (which is always a good thing). Over the past few months, I’ve not had much time for working on the server, but there have been a few changes here and there. Here’s a little list:

  • Added NOL protection code
  • Small bugfixes to server-side drops (yes, I know there are still issues on PSOGC)
  • Made the quest list show quests for all episodes on PSOGC, not just the one that the game is set to
  • Fixed the quest list icons on PSOGC
  • Added long descriptions of quests on the Download Quest menu

Thanks go to Aleron Ives for nagging me to do all of these (and for filling in the long descriptions on the download quests). πŸ˜‰

Speaking of download quests, there’s been a few other interesting developments regarding them. First of all, Aleron Ives has gone ahead and added all the different language versions of the PSO+ quests that are available as download quests on PSOGC. (Thanks go out to Hayame for providing the quests from his Japanese copy of PSO+.) Also, I’ve added all the download quests I can find for PSOv1. Unfortunately, I’ve only got one language for each quest (Letter from Lionel is only in English, all the rest are Japanese-only). That said, we do finally have some PSOv1 download quests, which is a good thing, all in all. πŸ™‚

Anyhow, that’s all I’ve got for today. I hope everyone in the US has a great Independence Day (and everyone else just has a nice day regardless of it not being a holiday). πŸ™‚


Server Event Results: Easter Egg Hunter Hunting

April 10th, 2015

The second server event has been concluded for about 12 hours now (as of the time of this post), so here’s the results:

  1. Tangier – 10046
  2. Fallingferret – 3624
  3. KuromoriYu – 2302
  4. Crossi – 1416
  5. R422 – 673
  6. FaithY – 286
  7. bluecrab – 191
  8. treamcaster – 162
  9. aleronives – 138
  10. hawkzer0 – 129

I’m glad to see that even on shorter events we get a bunch of participants. Thanks to everyone who participated!


Server Event: Easter Egg Hunter Hunting!

April 3rd, 2015

I’m getting this organized a bit later than I would have liked, but I really wanted to have an Easter event, so here it is…

Event Information:
Start Time: April 3, 2015 @ 16:00 UTC (@708)
End Time: April 10, 2015 @ 16:00 UTC (@708)

Forest-dwelling monsters are stealing all the Easter Eggs that were hidden for the annual Pioneer 2 Easter Egg Hunt. Hunt down the monsters that seek to ruin the holiday for the children of Pioneer 2!

No prizes are being given for this event. This one is completely for the fun of it.

(Not So) Fine Print:

  • This event, like the one earlier in the year, requires you to have enabled /trackkills on your account while logged in (with /login). It is only open to those with a registered account on the Sylverant website that have registered their serial number and access key on the site.
  • The /trackkills command must be run on each registered guildcard in your account for any kills made with that guildcard to be counted (results are aggregated across all guildcards in your account).
  • If you used the /trackkills command in the earlier event, unless you have since disabled it, your kills will be tracked for this event.
  • Only enemies killed in free-play will be counted — no enemies killed during quests will count toward your totals for this event.

Winners of the “New Year, New Feature” event

January 31st, 2015

It’s officially February first (according to the server’s time), so that means that the “New Year, New Feature” server event has concluded. Here’s how the top ten looked at the end of the event:

  1. Tangier – 17634
  2. 68kdude – 10239
  3. hawkzer0 – 2407
  4. R422 – 1589
  5. swanky – 1422
  6. aleronives – 1168
  7. treamcaster – 1156
  8. pcwzrd13 – 573
  9. samsara – 380
  10. al281442 – 331

Thanks to everyone who participated for making our first event a success!

Tangier, 68kdude, and hawkzer0: you should be expecting an email from me within the next day or so to figure out how they want your winnings to be sent. Hopefully your email address on file with your account is still correct. πŸ™‚

EDIT: Thanks to all of the winners (Tangier, 68kdude, and hawkzer0) for re-donating their prizes to the donation pool!

Read the rest of this entry »


Happy New Year!

December 31st, 2014

Well, even if it is a few hours early for me, officially by the server’s time (UTC), it’s the new year. So, it’s time to unveil a new feature of the server that hopefully some people will find enjoyable. πŸ™‚

Last year, I started accepting donations in Dogecoins that would be put toward server events and whatnot. Today begins the first of these events! As of the time of the writing of this post, the donations wallet has just under 14,000 Dogecoins in it, so I’ll put 7,000 coins up for grabs in the event that starts today.

How the event will work is as follows, anyone who wishes to participate in this event (as well as any future events) must be logged into his or her account on the server (i.e, you have to have used the /login command in-game), and then must use the new /trackkills command. Once you do so, the server will keep track of the enemies you kill in-game and will automatically record them when you leave the team you’re in. Note: the new /trackkills command and enemy tracking now works on Iselia, Vega, Altimira, and Palmacosta.

For the current event running, your kill counts of certain Episode 1 enemies (no, I’m not telling you which ones, but feel free to try to figure it out πŸ˜‰ ) will be totaled up across all free-play (non quest, non challenge, non battle) teams that you participate in for the next month. At the end of the month, the top three players by that count will receive a prize. It’s as simple as that. First place will take home 4,000 DOGE, second place will take home 2,000 DOGE, and third place will take home 1,000 DOGE. Winners will be contacted by me after the end of the month to figure out where to send their winnings (and if any winners wish to reinvest their winnings in the donations pool, they are more than welcome to do so).

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys our first server-wide event and I hope everyone has a great new year.

PS: Continue reading for answers to a few questions you might have…
Read the rest of this entry »


Voice Chat

September 19th, 2014

Everyone probably knows by now that PSO itself doesn’t support voice chat (except for the Xbox version, which isn’t supported by any server anyway), which can get pretty annoying when you’re trying to discuss things with other people while you play, especially if you’re playing on the Dreamcast or Gamecube and don’t have a keyboard handy for the console. To this end, I’ve set up a Mumble server for anyone who wishes to use it to use while playing.

EDIT: Since it appears to be unclear to some… This does not allow you to use your Dreamcast or Gamecube microphone for voice chat in PSO. This functionality is not built in to the game and it would be inconceivable to add it to the game. This setup allows you to use your PC or smartphone to do voice chat with others who connect via their PC or smartphone while they’re playing on Sylverant.

Mumble is an open-source, multi-platform Voice-over-IP (VoIP) client and server, designed for low-latency voice communications, such as would be useful for online gaming. You can get a Mumble client for pretty much any OS out there (OS X, Linux, Windows — even for iOS or Android too) for free and use it to connect to a variety of Mumble servers. For more information on how to connect to the server that I’ve set up, continue reading…

Read the rest of this entry »


Today is the 5th Anniversary of Sylverant

September 9th, 2014

It is also the 15th anniversary of the release of the Dreamcast in the US.

I’d like to thank everyone who plays PSO on Sylverant for making my work on it worthwhile. It always makes me smile to see people use the software that I write. πŸ™‚

Over the past year, I’ve been pretty busy with real life. I earned a Master of Science in Computer Science degree in December of last year, and begun work toward a PhD in the same subject in January. Sylverant has seen a few bits and pieces of improvement over that time, however. Work has continued (albeit slowly) on server-side drops for all versions of the game, and has recently reached the point where server-side drops work even during quests. Ship administrators can specify whether quests allow drops of rare and semi-rare items on an enemy-by-enemy (or type of enemy by type of enemy) basis, overriding the game’s restriction that no rares ever drop in quests (only while server-side drops are on, of course). I also released the source code of a new DNS server for use with PSO, designed to prevent DNS amplification attacks from affecting the server in the future. Other than that, things have been relatively quiet, other than the small trickle of other bug fixes.

Anyway, thanks to everyone for playing here, and hopefully I will be able to continue to post these kinds of posts for many years to come.


It’s been a while…

June 10th, 2014

… since the last time I posted, so I figured I’d make a post.

Not much has changed around here in the past few months, at least not until the other day when someone started trying to use the Sylverant DNS server (along with a few other PSO-related DNS servers out there) in another DNS amplification attack. If you were following along on my Twitter (or on Facebook), you might have noticed a few messages to that effect about a week ago. You also might have noticed that I’ve written a new DNS server to use here that should be a bit more resistant to such attacks in the future. I guess we shall see.

One nice thing about this new DNS server is that I designed it to be possible to use for pretty much anyone hosting a DNS server for PSO. It’s easily configurable, and should run just fine on pretty much anything (*BSD, Linux, OS X, Solaris, … and Windows without needing anything like Cygwin). You could probably run it just fine on a Dreamcast, if you really wanted to. πŸ˜› Hopefully some of the other servers out there might be able to make use of it in preventing attacks in the future. πŸ™‚

EDIT: Just because I can, I just confirmed that the DNS server does actually run properly on a Dreamcast. πŸ˜›

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